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Make social media work for you in 2024

Darren Northeast
Posted by Darren Northeast on 20.02.2024

Social media can be a fantastic platform to raise brand awareness and connect with customers and clients, but it is a crowded space with a multitude of challenges, from competing with other businesses to be seen and heard, to contenting with the ever-shifting goalposts of the algorithms applied by the platforms. 

Making sure your posts hit the right marks and are seen by the right people can be difficult, especially while still managing all the day-to-day demands of running a business. 

So, as experts with years of experience, we can offer some tips to help you get noticed and keep your engagement rates in the sweet spot of 1-5%!  

Short & Sweet

Let’s face it, our attention spans can be pretty short at the best of times, especially when we are scrolling through social media feeds.  

By keeping posts to the point, it makes it easier for the reader to understand your message. Cut out the waffle and keep in mind the re-write/ second attempt of a post is usually better than the first idea or draft. 

The optimal post length will also vary across different platforms, so it’s important to tailor your content for each. For example, posts filled with paragraphs of information will barely be noticed on platforms such as Instagram or TikTok, but may work well on LinkedIn where people are looking to share more in-depth ideas and information. 

The same can be said for the use of hashtags and tagging – they are a great way to reach a new audience and engage with other users on social media platforms, but they need to be tailored for each platform. 

Remain Consistent

Though we all hate it, the content we produce will always be a slave to the algorithm, no matter the content. So it’s especially important to remain aware of how each platform’s algorithm works and when it’s changed or updated. 

Typically, the algorithm favours creators who post regularly, but keep in mind that your audience can easily tell the difference between a well-thought-out post and something written for the sake of it. Your social media presence is an extension of your brand and needs to reflect your values and the quality of work you offer. Lazy or repetitive content can make you seem like a brand that couldn’t care less, which will turn away business. 

When writing content, it should come from a place of seeking to inspire, educate or share something interesting, whether that is a quote that fits into your brand’s image, or a reminder for an upcoming event. Not every post has to be informative, your platform is your own and you can also use it to engage with your audience and learn more about who they are. 

It can be hard to generate a consistent number of posts every week, so for those moments when inspiration doesn’t strike, keeping a bank of post ideas in reserve can be a lifesaver.  

Make Use of Graphics

Including eye-catching, relevant graphics in your posts is the best way to grab the attention of a scroller and encourage them to read what your post is all about. Whether it is something designed, or a fun image of you and your colleagues working, a simple image can drastically change the reach of your post.   

According to Facebook engagement data1 from last year, we can see that posts for business pages typically have an engagement rate of 0.07% on their own, but it shoots up to 0.12% when a post includes an image. 

Don’t Let Low Engagement Rates Get You Down

Each business has its own measure of success. While some pride themselves on having a lot of followers, others prefer having fewer followers with a higher engagement rate across the board – just because you have thousands of followers, doesn’t mean that they are all of the ‘quality’ your business needs! 

All platforms also have their own average engagement rates. While most brands get around 0.41% engagement on LinkedIn2, 0.47% on Instagram3 figures much higher than what is considered great engagement on Facebook, where the average per post is around 0.08%4.   

Sound Too Much Like Hard Work?

At Darren Northeast PR, we are well-versed in the world of social media, understanding each of the platforms and their algorithms in a way that we can use to enhance your social media presence.  

So, If you want to make 2024 the year you dominate social media, get in touch with us today and enquire about our social media packages! Get in touch at or 01202 676762